International Competition for Experiment in Visual Arts – Attempt 5

International Competition for Experiment in Visual Arts – Attempt 5 is organized by the Jan Tarasin Art Gallery in Kalisz in cooperation with the City of Kalisz. The exhibition is under the Honorary Patronage of the Mayor of Kalisz – Krystian Kinastowski.

In accordance with the competition regulations, on February 29 – March 1, 2024 there was the meeting of the Jury formed by:
1. prof. Katarzyna Józefowicz – Polish sculptor, contemporary artist, professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
2. prof. Szymon Wróbel – professor of philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies Artes Librales UW. Psychologist and philosopher interested in contemporary social theory and philosophy of language and mind.
3. Ewa Łączyńska-Widz – director of BWA in Tarnów
4. Jadwiga Charzyńska – director of CSW Łaźnia in Gdańsk
5. Joanna Dudek, PhD. – artist, director of the Jan Tarasin Art Gallery in Kalisz

The jury reviewed the 129 original entries submitted, which, in accordance with the regulations, contained one work or one project. The jury finally allowed 125 works to qualify.

In an open vote, the Jury qualified 14 artists projects for the exhibition:

  1. Bruchnalski Filip – Stream Freesolo
  2. Bugzel Michał – Cząstka czerni / Black paricle
  3. Dżbik Karolina – Dotyk Śmierci / Touch of death
  4. Hubert Barbara – Galeria na Ziemi / Gallery on Earth
  5. Jakubowicz Jakub – Proteza /Prosthesis
  6. Janasik Artur/Rutra Kisanaj – Nauczyciel / Teacher
  7. Jaworska Ewa – Stajemy się / We are becoming
  8. Jeżmirski Przemysław – Schlafender Löwe
  9. Kardash Katsiaryna – Dowód / ID
  10. Muszyński Jerzy – Bez tytułu – 23-04 z cyklu … (NIEOZNACZONE) / Whithout title – 23-04- from the series… (UNMARKED)
  11. O.W.L. Kolektyw – This Exhibition does not exist
  12. Rzepecka Martyna – Left Hand Excercises
  13. Sikora Ola – Witaj smutku / Hello sadness
  14. Wrotnowski Albert – Kiełbasa Wyborcza z Orlenu / Election sausage from Orlen

By the final and irrevocable decision of the Jury of the International Competition for Experiment in Visual Arts – Attempt 5, the statutory prizes went to:

GRAND PRIX – award of the Mayor of Kalisz PLN 10,000 Katsiaryna Kardash
Jan Tarasin Art Gallery Award PLN 4,000 and individual exhibition O.W.L Kolektyw
Award of the BWA Gallery in Tarnów PLN 4,000 and a study stay Martyna Rzepecka


Justification for the GRAND PRIX Award:

Trying to appreciate the diversity of understanding of the concept of experiment in art, the Jury decided to include multitude of artistic projects submitted to the competition. On the one hand, the Jury tried to include projects that highlighted the role of tradition, identity and attachment to the past expressed by artists. On the other hand, the Jury also decided to honor those projects whose sensitivity took into account the topicality, modernity and technological crisis of our era.

For this reason, the Jury decided to award the GRAND PRIX – the award of the Mayor of Kalisz – to Mrs. Katsiaryna Kardash, appreciating the authenticity, multi-aspect nature, internal strength resulting from the history of the nation and local culture raised to a higher, reflective level, which, however, does not ignore the personal and even intimate relationship of the artist.

Justification for the Jan Tarasin Art Gallery Award and the BWA Gallery Awards in Tarnów:

The Jury decided to give Jan Tarasin Art Gallery in Kalisz Award to the O.W.L Collective in an attempt to honor the extraordinary originality and relevance of the Krakow artistic group. The idea of ​​creating, with the participation of artificial intelligence, a series of virtual artistic biographies of twelve fictional characters along with their achievements seems to be a project captivating in its boldness and completeness. The jury is impressed by the consistency and coherence of the project.

 The jury decided to award the award of the BWA Gallery in Tarnów to Martyna Rzepecka for the project “Left Hand Exercises“. The jury recognized the project as an extremely self-conscious undertaking, a kind of half-technical, half-artistic exercise that deepens understanding of one’s own body and union with it. The right-handed artist invites us to think about this sphere of experience that in the common view seems to be excluded or forgotten – left-handedness.

All three awarded projects seem to complement and take into account three domains of human experience – tradition, technique and body. With its verdict, the Jury tried to appreciate the fact that an artistic experiment can concern so many areas and utilize a multitude of spheres of human activity.

Honorary awards:

Due to the balanced and high level of the competition, the jury decided to distinguish two projects:
Przemysław Jeżmirski – Schlafender Löwe
Albert Wrotnowski – Kiełbasa Wyborcza z Orlenu

Exhibition duration         Oct 10 – Nov 28, 2024  
Opening Oct 10, 7 P.M.
Free admission

pl. św. Józefa 5
62-800 Kalisz Poland

Honorary Patronage Krystian Kinastowski Prezydent Miasta Kalisza

Gallery Partners: 
Media patronage: