Is it possible to build a social relationship and transfer it into the sphere of art by using the same mechanics applied in games?

Where is the border between the spectator – observer and the conscious recipient-participant?

Łukasz Trusewicz invites us to play the Game.

The main axis and frame for the Game will be a performative object that will also be a product of creative recycling.

The materials out of which the performative sculpture presented as part of the Game is built also refers to the potential and the richness of the place with which the artist is connected. The piece of metal (an object which is also associated with an advertisement) comes from a revitalized space in Poznań – the modernist building of a former café in which Trusewicz together with people connected with the Raczej Gallery and the Otwarta Strefa Kultury, runs a space for performative actions, workshops and a space for cultural events.

Referring to the trend to “regain” the public space on behalf of society, to create common spaces that would be people-friendly and to his own experiences relating to his earlier city actions and interventions, Łukasz Trusewicz suggests a Game whose participative and changeable rules are to humanize art. A Game whose result will be an object which will be modified during the exhibition and its final shape will depend on the audience.

ŁUKASZ TRUSEWICZ – born in 1984. In 2010 he graduated from the Faculty of Sculpture and Spacial Activities within the University of Fine Arts in Poznań. Among others, he studied in the Performance Studio run by Prof. Janusz Bałdyga. In his work he explores subjects such as the relationship between space and history and their peripheries. He is also interested in both the role of the group and the individual spectator in the process of shaping an artistic action and object.
He runs the Raczej Gallery in Poznań, which presents and promotes performance art through local and international contacts. He also initiated the Otwarta Strefa Kultury in Łazarz – a revitalization project, whose aim is to create a cultural-artistic district in the Łazarz neighborhood of Poznań using the local potential of the space and cooperation with other initiatives, and in addition the city dwellers and the authorities. He also runs workshops in which he tries to use the educational potential of performance art.
